Food and drinks that stain teeth


While it is important to brush and floss your teeth, it may not be enough to make your teeth as white as you would like. There are lots of foods and drinks that that make it difficult for teeth to reach their optimum white level. In this blog, we have outlined some of the common teeth-staining culprits when it comes to food and drink, as well as some general teeth-whitening tips to help you achieve the whitest smile possible.

  1. Dark and sugary beverages

These beverages include soft drinks, iced tea and dark juices, and are all major causes of staining. Drinking them with a straw can avoid some staining, however, avoiding them altogether is best as it will reduce staining and potential tooth decay.

  1. Darker berries

The biggest offenders in this category are blueberries and blackberries, although other berries such as cranberries or raspberries do still cause some staining. Strawberries on the other hand are less problematic as they contain malic acid which can increase saliva production and remove debris from teeth. Increased saliva production is also useful in protecting against potential tooth decay and washes away pigments within food.

  1. Tomato-based sauce

Most tomato-based sauces are deep red in colour and packed with acid, which means they will stay on the teeth long and stain significantly. These effects can, however, be partially counteracted with dark green items such as broccoli. This will provide a protective film over teeth, as well as supplying iron to protect teeth from bacteria which can erode enamel.

    1. Red wine

It may be your preferred tipple, but it comes at cost. Its strong red colour is a staining nightmare.  Luckily, it can be easily substituted with any non-red wine such as white wine, sparkline wine, or a rose. Panic over!

  1. Balsamic vinegar

This item is very popular in many dishes, as well as used as a condiment. However, its dark colour, high levels of sugar and acidity make it a potential staining substance. You should avoid as best as you can. Ideally, substitute it with red wine vinegar, which is paler, has less sugar and is less acidic.

  1. Coffee and tea

Due to their strong pigmentation these very popular beverages are a common cause of staining for teeth. The best option would be to avoid them completely, however, if you feel you can’t give up your beloved brew, thentry reducing the amount of sugar you put in, and drink with milk to reduce the rich colour and limit the damage.

  1. Turmeric-based dishes

While dishes such as curry may be great for the tastebuds, they usually contain turmeric which causes significant staining. Consume sparingly or better still, avoid if possible.

Ways to reduce teeth-staining

As well as avoiding/reducing the staining foods and drinks mentioned above, there are some other measures you can undertake to reduce staining too:

  • Eat apples: Consuming apples regularly can be very beneficial for teeth as they contain a high amount of malic acid, which encourages saliva production and reduces staining.
  • Use straws: This can be a great tip to ensure that you are still able to consume some staining drinks but avoid significant contact with teeth.
  • Eat cheese: Cheese contains significant calcium and phosphorus which helps to protect enamel and encourage saliva production.
  • Drink milk: Like cheese, milk also helps produce saliva, but on top of this, it contains casein, which can prevent plaque and in turn, staining. This also includes milk-based products such as yoghurt and can also be added into tea/coffee to reduce staining.
  • Up your water intake: Drinking plenty of water each day can be a very effective method in reducing staining as it will promote saliva production and rinse away potentially problematic items on teeth.

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